​ AGS相关知识:

  • 添加一个 GraphicsOverlay

    • let graphicsOverlay = AGSGraphicsOverlay()

      let ref:AGSSpatialReference = .wgs84()

      let pointGraphic: AGSGraphic = {
      //Create a point geometry
      let point = AGSPoint(x: 111.677914, y: 40.838096, spatialReference: ref)
      //Create point symbol with outline
      // style: 中心点的样式
      let symbol = AGSSimpleMarkerSymbol(style: .diamond, color: .orange, size: 10.0)
      symbol.outline = AGSSimpleLineSymbol(style: .solid, color: .blue, width: 2.0)
      //let textSymbol = AGSTextSymbol(text: "This is textSymbol", color: .red, size: 10.0, horizontalAlignment: .left, verticalAlignment: .middle)

      //Create point graphic with geometry & symbol
      return AGSGraphic(geometry: point, symbol: symbol, attributes: nil)

      • 线

        let lineGraphic:AGSGraphic = {
        let polyline = AGSPolyline(
        AGSPoint(x: 111.681234, y: 40.839142, spatialReference: ref),
        AGSPoint(x: 111.691345, y: 40.847132, spatialReference:ref)

        let polylineSymbol = AGSSimpleLineSymbol(style:.solid, color: .orange, width: 4.0)

        return AGSGraphic(geometry: polyline, symbol: polylineSymbol, attributes: nil)

      • let polygonGraphic: AGSGraphic = {
        let polygon = AGSPolygon(points: [
        AGSPoint(x: 111.683211, y: 40.839132, spatialReference: ref),
        AGSPoint(x: 111.703211, y: 40.840142, spatialReference: ref),
        AGSPoint(x: 111.710211, y: 40.831023, spatialReference: ref)

        let polygonSymbol = AGSSimpleFillSymbol(style: .solid, color: .red,
        outline: AGSSimpleLineSymbol(
        style: .solid, color: .blue, width: 3.0

        return AGSGraphic(geometry: polygon, symbol: polygonSymbol, attributes: nil)
