// ViewController.swift
// ArcgissSampleFive
// Created by geowin on 2020/7/15.
// Copyright © 2020 geowin. All rights reserved.

import UIKit
import ArcGIS

class ViewController: UIViewController ,UIPickerViewDataSource,UIPickerViewDelegate{

func numberOfComponents(in pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int {

func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int {

func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String? {

func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) {
findPlaces(forCategory: Category.all[row])

@IBOutlet weak var mapView: AGSMapView!

@IBOutlet weak var categoryPicker: UIPickerView!

private let placesOverlay = AGSGraphicsOverlay()
private let locatorTask = AGSLocatorTask(url: .locator)
private var currentSearch: AGSCancelable?
private var isNavigatingObservation: NSKeyValueObservation?
private var visibleAreaObservation: NSKeyValueObservation?

override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
/// Add Observe

private func observeChangesInMapViewIsNavigating() {
// The map view `.isNavigating` property determines if the map view's visible area has changed.
isNavigatingObservation = mapView.observe(\.isNavigating) { [weak self] (mapView, _) in
// Find places for a selected category when the map view stops navigating.
guard !mapView.isNavigating else { return }
// Update results if the map view extent has moved.

private func observeChangesInMapViewVisibleArea() {
// Use the map view `.visibleArea` property to observe when the view sets its visible area for the first time.
visibleAreaObservation = mapView.observe(\.visibleArea) { [weak self] (mapView, _) in
guard let self = self else { return }
// When the visible area is set for the first time, kick off the first find places query.
// Nullify (thus invalidating) the visible area observation because the first find places query is performed.
self.visibleAreaObservation = nil

// MARK:- 初始化地图
func initialMap(){
// let tiledLayer = `AGSArcGISTiledLayer`(url: URL(string: "http://map.geoq.cn/ArcGIS/rest/services/ChinaOnlineCommunity/MapServer")!)
// let map = AGSMap(basemap: AGSBasemap(baseLayer: tiledLayer))
// let location = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 40.838096, longitude: 111.677914)
// let center = AGSPoint(clLocationCoordinate2D: location)
// map.initialViewpoint = AGSViewpoint(center: center, scale: 20000)
// mapView.map = map

mapView.map = AGSMap(basemapType: .navigationVector, latitude: 34.09042, longitude: -118.71511, levelOfDetail: 10)


mapView.touchDelegate = self


func addPlacesGraphics(_ results: [AGSGeocodeResult],for category: Category){
// Build place marker symbol.
let symbol: AGSSimpleMarkerSymbol = {
let placeSymbol = AGSSimpleMarkerSymbol(style: .circle, color: category.color, size: 10.0)
placeSymbol.outline = AGSSimpleLineSymbol(style: .solid, color: .white, width: 2)
return placeSymbol
// Represent each place as a dot on the map.
// Each graphic symbol gets the place attributes and later shows them when the user taps the graphic.
let places = results.map { (result) in
AGSGraphic(geometry: result.displayLocation, symbol: symbol, attributes: result.attributes)

placesOverlay.graphics.addObjects(from: places)

func clearPlacesGraphics(){

func showCallout(for graphic: AGSGraphic){
mapView.callout.title = graphic.attributes[String.placeName] as? String ?? "Unknown"
mapView.callout.detail = graphic.attributes[String.placeAddress] as? String ?? "no address provided"
mapView.callout.show(for: graphic, tapLocation: graphic.geometry as? AGSPoint, animated: true)

func hideCallout(){
if mapView != nil {

func findPlaces(forCategory category: Category){
guard let visibleArea = mapView.visibleArea else {return}



let paramters: AGSGeocodeParameters = {
let geocodeParameters = AGSGeocodeParameters()
geocodeParameters.maxResults = 25
geocodeParameters.resultAttributeNames.append(contentsOf: [. placeAddress,.placeName])
geocodeParameters.preferredSearchLocation = visibleArea.extent.center
geocodeParameters.categories = [category.title]
return geocodeParameters

currentSearch = locatorTask.geocode(withSearchText: "", parameters: paramters, completion: {
[weak self] (result, error) in
guard let self = self else {return}
guard error == nil else{
print("Geocode error: ",error!.localizedDescription)

guard let result = result,result.count > 0 else{
print("No places found for category ",category.title)

self.addPlacesGraphics(result, for: category)

private func findPlacesForCategoryPickerSelection(){
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
guard let self = self else {return}
let categoryIndex = self.categoryPicker.selectedRow(inComponent: 0)
guard categoryIndex < Category.all.count else {return}
let category = Category.all[categoryIndex]
self.findPlaces(forCategory: category)

extension ViewController: AGSGeoViewTouchDelegate{

func geoView(_ geoView: AGSGeoView, didTapAtScreenPoint screenPoint: CGPoint, mapPoint: AGSPoint) {

mapView.identify(placesOverlay, screenPoint: screenPoint, tolerance: 10, returnPopupsOnly: false, maximumResults: 1) { [weak self](result) in
guard let self = self else { return }
if let error = result.error{
else if let graphic = result.graphics.first{
self.showCallout(for: graphic)